Families Go Wild in the Farmyard!

Today we got lots done in the farmyard!

We started by collecting eggs. We found three eggs in the rescue hens’ enclosure, two in the Buff Orpingtons’ and three duck eggs!


Some of us were a bit nervous of going in with the chickens at first, so one of our farmyard volunteers, Steven, introduced us to Socks, the adventurous and friendly hen.


Once we had collected all the eggs we could find, we got our tools from the shed and started working on the goat paddock. Hamish and Hugo kept a good eye on us while we cleaned!


When the paddock was clean, we emptied the goat poo into the muck heap, and a couple of us stayed behind to hang out with the goats.


Next, we mucked out Gilbert’s and Sullivan’s stable. We worked well as a team, and had it finished in no time! We also gave them some fresh hay to come back to in the afternoon.


After putting our tools away, we had some time to spend with more animals. We went to visit Peanut and Pickle, the ferrets, and hung out with them in their house.


We then took them for a walk around the farm. They always enjoy visiting the other ferrets, Honey, Mustard, and Pesto, in their house, which is where Peanut and Pickle used to live.


We all got a chance to walk the ferrets, but we had our work cut out for us making sure they didn’t run away through any small gaps! We spent a little more time with them in their house after walking them, and then it was time to wash our hands!