Spitalfields City Farm

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Farm 2 Fork Goes Online - Korean style Mushroom Bowls

You will need:

1 onion + greens


1 carrot

50ml white vinegar

30ml soy sauce

½ a cucumber

240g rice

1 tbsp gochujang/sriracha sauce/tomato paste


cooking oil

1 tbsp white sugar

1 ½ tbsp brown sugar

Cold water

1.    Wash and pat dry the vegetables.

2.    In a bowl, combine 45ml vinegar, 1 tbsp white sugar, and ¼ tsp salt.

3.    Thinly slice the cucumber and add to the bowl with the vinegar mixture. Mix to ensure all the cucumber is coated, then leave to marinate, stirring occasionally.

4.    In another bowl, combine the chilli sauce (gochujang/sriracha/tomato paste), soy sauce, remaining vinegar, brown sugar, and 1 tbsp water. Stir until the brown sugar and chilli sauce have dissolved.

5.    Thinly slice the mushrooms into strips. Transfer to a shallow dish and pour over the chilli marinade. Leave the mushrooms to marinate for about 10 minutes.

6.    Rinse and drain the rice, then add 500ml cold water to the dry rice. Cover and cook on a high heat until boiling, then transfer to a low heat for 12 minutes. Leave covered until ready to serve.

7.    Slice the onion and add to hot cooking oil in a large pan. Sauté for a couple of minutes until the onions are soft. Then add the mushrooms and sauce and cook for about 8 minutes.

8.    Meanwhile, finely chop the onion greens and coarsely grate the carrot.

9.    To serve, add a serving of rice to each bowl, then a quarter of the mushroom mixture, a quarter of the carrot and a quarter of the pickled cucumbers. Sprinkle green onion on top.

Click here for the cook-along video!