Spitalfields City Farm

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Families Go Wild in the Farmyard!

Today it was up to the family volunteers to take care of Hugo and Hamish, two of our pygmy goats.

First though, we had to check if the chickens had laid any eggs, so we could put them in the farm shop to sell to visitors. Today we found ten eggs!

We carefully placed all the eggs in the bucket, and made sure not to break any. Then, we put them in boxes so they were ready to be sold.

Next, we went to the Hay Barn to get tools so we could muck out Hamish and Hugo’s pen. We swept up (almost) all the poo in the enclosure, so it would be clean for them.

We then emptied the poo into the muck heap and returned our tools to the hay barn. When we went to the muck heap, we found loads of the chickens scratching for insects!

Then, we cut up some banana to give to Hamish and Hugo for a treat! They have some problems with their teeth, so we had to mash up the banana in our hands before we fed it to them.

Once we had fed the goats, we still had a little time left in our session, so we went to visit the rabbits in the farmyard. We harvested some lavender for them to eat, as they enjoy fresh herbs along with their dry food diet. We took turns in pairs to sit in the rabbit enclosure and feed them lavender. Some of them came up to us and nibbled the lavender!